These were our hardwood floors before
Notice that dark spot in front of the carpet? The black spot that would actually sweat when it was really humid out....yes, you read correctly, it would sweat.....gross!
We have lived with these floors in this condition for a long time. Waiting for the right moment, if there truly is such a thing, to undertake the project of refinishing them.
My Dad and Stepmom had the equipment needed to sand the floors as they just put flooring down in their new home, they offered it to us. We are blessed! We could not pass up the opportunity and so Trent jumped on it!
Trent sanding and then staining.
In a matter of hours we had a plan formulated. Refinishing floors is not an easy task, especially when you have a house full of small children!
We moved the furniture out to the back porch, to the kitchen, to the basement, literally to wherever it would fit! We had our exercise bike and tv in our kitchen. For those of you that have been to our home, you can only imagine how fun that was!!
In the end we ate out A LOT, we unexpectedly spent the night (from 4:30am to 1oam) in a hotel, a fun night at Nana's (thank you Nana!! You were MORE then gracious to host us!!), a week of complete upheaval, and A LOT of physical work and problem solving on my honey's part. And through the process...and boy was it a process I kept thinking to myself...I can deal with this upheaval and feeling of displacement as long as I am with my family. Because in all that we do, we do as a family! And after ALL that, this is what we were left with................
BEAUTIFUL hardwood floors
And a week of adventure together!
I love the color that we choose, I love how shiny they are, I love how clean and even they look, I love how they make our home look more finished, and most importantly I LOVE the man that painstakingly took these floors from drab to fabulous!!
And in the days since, he has worried and fretted over any glitches, any imperfections, any way that he
could of made them better. But that is just his way.
I truly feel blessed to be married to a man that is so willing and eager to use his own hands and intellect to make our house more of a home for our family....not to mention save us
a lot of money in the process!!
And I also feel blessed to have family that is also so willing to lend us a hand in whatever projects we undertake and in whatever life events come our way.
Thanks Honey for
all your hard work!! You did an incredible job!!