In mid-October Trent and I celebrated our Anniversary (which is in July) by taking a two day, 14 mile hike in the beautiful Ohio forests. It was the first time either one of us had attempted such an adventure and we were happy to do it together.
We hiked through dense forest, open fields, up, down and through large caverns carved though the lush folliage. Every twist of the path, if there was a path, lead to a new adventure.
We carried all that we needed for the two days on our backs in packs. Thankfully, I had a gourmet chef with me who served up lasagna, beef stroganoff, cheese, salami, fruit and the like. We did not go hungry that is for sure!
The difficulty of our adventure was equal to the beauty that surrounded us. The path often disappeared leaving us to search for our direction in which to continue. It was also very obvious that the path had not been cleared for some time. It was at times covered with large trees that had fallen during a recent high wind storm, or over grown with brush. The path was usually not much bigger then the width of our feet, leaving no room for a wrong step on a a decline in a gully or along a ridge. It was down right frightful at times and not the nicely cleared stone pathway I had invisioned....I was nieve in many regards!
We made camp before sunset. Trent searched out the perfect spot each night and set right away to putting up our tent and making a fire. We slept like logs except for when we heard a pack of cyotes howling and yipping at each other in the not so far distance. I was thankful to be protected by our bear bell ;)
It really was a wonderful adventure. I really had to rely a lot on Trent to not only feed and house me but to protect, comfort, doctor, and entertain me. I was thrilled to be with just him and doing this together. It felt like such a huge accomplishment when we circled back to the trail head.