Trent has been traveling a bit the last two weeks. That coupled with 2 extra days off of school for the kids, a birthday party and a killer migraine, left me a bit frazzled. Really it was the migraine that prompted me to send out an SOS text to my girls begging for prayers for my sanity. I can kind of laugh about it now that it has passed....kind of ;)
Motherhood is hard sometimes, just plain hard. Usually, I am the one that makes it most difficult though. Comparing myself to what "other" mothers accomplish or do is really the evil of all things. And when I get overwhelmed with what I have NOT done, that is when the ugly, not so nice, cranky, needing to apologize later for MY bad behavior, Mommy comes rearing her ugly head!
And so while my friends were hitting their knees all over the city for me, I hit mine. I
knew the reason that my tank was empty. Sure, a migraine, a traveling husband and extra activities didn't help, but really I was floundering in the sea of life because I had not knelled before Him in several days. I needed to run back to Him in the quiet of my room, to reconnect if even for a few moments. He met me there, right where I was, just like He always does. He washed me a new, clean like the snow and I was able to then be the mommy I so badly want to be.
The next day the children, one by one came down with a tummy ache. I did a crazy thing, I kept them all home from school. They could of gone to school and muddled through their day but I felt the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit telling me to keep them close. And so I did. We stayed in our jammies all day. Daddy brought us gingerale, soup and ice cream for lunch. We rented a movie and snuggled on the couch. We napped and woke up at dinner time. It was such a great day and I was grateful that I had listened and obeyed.