Charlie wanted to be a robot and Tommy wanted to be a "Scary Skeleton and I am going to eat you up" for Halloween this year.
Trent and Charlie made his costume together. It was AWESOME and Charlie LOVED it!! It had all kinds of wires and lights, gadgets galore. The had a lot of fun doing it together and Trent was so cool about allowing Charlie to place things where he wanted them.
Tommy wore his skeleton pajamas and a skeleton sweatshirt along with some glove we found at the dollar store. But his favorite part of his costume was his face paint. After I put it on him he looked at himself in the mirror and started running around the house like a crazy "scary skeleton". He was so funny!
We stopped by our friends house to take a picture with Miss Mags, the Monarch Butterfly.
Tommy and Daddy carving a scary face on the pumpkin.
Charlie took control of his pumpkin this year.
We went trick or treating on our favorite street in Mayfield and Grandma Candace came along too. The whole street decorates and participates in trick or treating. One house pulls their pick up truck up on the front yard and has the car and yard decked out in scary garb. They don't just hand out candy but actual Halloween toys that glow in the dark etc. They also have a "scary chain saw guy" who runs around and chases the older kids with his reeved up saw (with chain removed). The boys are fascinated, scared to death but LOVE it and ask to go to that house first.
It was a great Halloween. We had so much fun trick or treating and watching the boys. It is amazing how much they change from year to year. It was so fun to watch how involved they wanted to be in putting together their costumes together and how brave and excited they were to get their "treats". I just love spending these moments with our boys, together as a family.
You better post some pictures of that sweet baby girl:-). Dying to see them!!
ReplyDeleteOK, I love both of the boys costumes, but Beth, that robot is AWESOME!! The best I've ever seen!
Y'all had a super fun Halloween!