Tuesday died 2 years ago, I don't think she was even 2 years old. Her story touched my life forever and was the catalyst for starting this blog. My second post was about Miss Tuesday. She made me think differently about my role as a Mommy and how I mother our children. There are daily struggles, but I grasp the knowledge that life is but a fleeting moment in time. I try to cherish each and every moment, I often fall short. But I try, I really try.
My children are my heart and I know they are Trent's as well. We love them and enjoy the time we spend with them. We don't wish them away or feel that they are a burden. Quite the contrary. Not only will they be little for such a short time, but this life, this beautiful, glorious life, will be over in a blink of an eye.
There will never be enough cuddles, or too many "one more kiss". I will never look back and regret reading an extra goodnight book, or being silly at the dinner table.
I believe that even when death comes to us on this earth, that there is the promise of eternal life in Heaven with our sweet Jesus. Certainly that gives me comfort in knowing that Trent and I will live forever with our babies.
I will continue to pray for Jess, Tuesdays' mother. A mommy who now mothers 3, not 4 babies. One of those babies being Tuesdays twin sister. And for as long as this blog is up and running, I will always keep the "Remembering Tuesday" button on the right column. A daily reminder to me that life is so short and to hold my babies a little closer.