Thursday, February 26, 2009


Our NEWEST adventure has been of the camping sort. We have had an overwhelming love for anything camping, camping tents, "gear" bags, little stoves that have pretend pop up flames, harmonicas, blankets thrown over anything to make "the tent", you name we want it!
Many a lazy Saturday afternoon has been spent with boys and their father "playing" camping. Even the Lovie has had to come along!
We pretend to be sleeping, well most of us do, we make lunch, we go on adventures with gear bags packed with utility knives (of the plastic variety of course!), wristband compass (Grandma Candace the camping set is "SO cool" per Sir Charles), and a homemade map made by the one true "camper", Daddy!
Actually, I have to take yet another moment to display my love for my honey, brag, mention, or pat him on the back, however you want to take it...but this man IS incredible!! I came home one day to find that he had drawn a map of our downstairs, complete with camp site and Charlie had it proudly displayed on the bookshelf after he was saying "SEE how cool my Dada is!". And can I just tell you about my "camping" Christmas present that I am now the proud owner of! Several weeks before Christmas, and after months of Trent's new found interest in camping had resurfaced, he was talking about how he couldn't wait to take the boys camping. Not just at some camp ground that is equipped with an under ground pool, but camping of the REAL kind, the SURVIVAL kind. Being outnumbered in the gender pool, I was feeling a bit left out, would I be invited on these "guy" trips, these fabulous family bounding times? His assurance didn't convince me and I was left to accept the fact that boys need time with JUST their Dads. I was fine with it, grateful actually that our sons HAVE such an involved, thoughtful Dad! Ok, so I am getting to the Christmas present, really I am! So on Christmas morning I was handed a slim light weight object wrapped in "Trent style". I eagerly opened my prize possession and was delighted to find my reflection staring back at me with a note attached "So, that Mommy can put her makeup on when we go camping!". I am sure that there will be PLENTY of guy excursions, I hope that there IS!! However, I KNOW that I am invited and WILL joyfully partake in our family camping trips! I guess I AM one of the guys!
Building a stove fire with Dada and "cooking" lunch. The guys on their 1st camping trip!

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